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Terry Russell Anderson

Memorial Charity

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2nd Annual

Terry R Anderson Golf Tournament

Sunday, September 15th, 2019
Big Meadow Golf Course

$125 entry per Golfer
9:00 am Shotgun Start


Flighted 4 person scramble

Sign up as a team or have the tournament pair you!

Field limited to the first 128 golfers

Sponsors are still welcome!


by calling or texting

(541) 815-1414

from 6am to 7pm

or email

Weekend Schedule of Events


September 14th



Evening welcome & social gathering

Upstairs at Cascade Lakes Brewing
Join us for hosted light appetizers, no host drinks and silent auction bids


September 15th

7:30 am

Registration, continental breakfast & range

8:00 am

Buy-in for prizes opens

Don't miss out on limited raffle tickets for $20 each!

CASH ONLY - Prize buy-in closes at 8:31am
Fewest Putts (Team) $40
Longest Drive $10

9:00 am

Tournament shotgun start



Awards and barbeque

At the Playing Field

©2018 by Terry R. Anderson Memorial Charity

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